Leyland hosts the Annual Royal Ark Mariner Assembly
20th September 2016
For those of you not yet involved in this wonderful Degree, you missed a really warm and welcoming meeting at Leyland, hosted by the Philadelphia Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners.  At this meeting, those brethren who have been selected to receive their appointment to Royal Ark Mariner Provincial Grand Rank receive their collars.  These celebrants travelled from all over the Province, proud to represent their Lodges and areas.
Mark Deputy Prov.GM Geoffrey Lee acted as the presiding officer, in the place of Keith Beardmore who is still recovering, following his recent heart surgery. Our Prov.GM sends his very best wishes to us all, but asks that any contact with him should still be made via the Provincial Office (I think June has something to do with this - our leader needs his rest!)  Geoffrey Lee was obviously very proud to invest all the recipients, who positively shone in their new collars!
Geoffrey Lee presided over the meeting
DCs on parade!
Our presiding officers
Ray Pye, not only acting on the DC side of things, also delivered a superb lecture, enjoyed by all. 
Provincial DC David Emmerson
Brothers Leach & Connolly look forward to the meeting
Andrew Dickson proud of Edmund Taylor's Grand Patron certificate
We all then retired for a superb lunch, the food receiving universal praise. Well done Leyland.  Geoffrey Lee spoke after lunch, thanking all the Special Representatives for their hard work, congratulated the recipients, and also Tony Shaw, who was present, and has received Grand rank in the RAM Degree. Geoffrey then announced the forthcoming Health Awareness Evenings to be held around the Province, with experts on hand to advise on the first signs, and treatment of Prostate cancer, Diabetes, Stroke and Alzheimers disease.  Michael Clarke has organised these meetings, details available around the Province and on the Provincial website.
Joe O'Brien and Brian Dicks share lunch
Mike Beesley, our intrepid webmaster!
Dave Emmerson, Arthur Robinson & Ken Boon, DCs all
We were then reminded that December 11th is the date for the annual Children's Party at Leyland, organised by Ian Nairn and Paul Snape, a great chance to give our children and grand-children a wonderful early impression of Masons and our hospitality.  Our DepProvGM finished by hoping that we will always be happy, smile, and make the day bright, with our fellowship, friendship, our common beliefs, our spirit, and our fun.  He reminded all present that we might even like to ask some of our Mark brethren to join us!
The D.PGM's full address is in the Secure Area. Link 
William Joughin, Worshipful Commander of Philadelphia RAM
Jimmy Rogers (right) also received a Grand Patron certificate!
Words and pictures by Giles